- Guys this is one of the important and easy topic in C++ .
- It will be like basic school mathematics ,so guys read with patience and learn .
- What are Operators in C++ ?
- Operators are nothing but a character which manipulates the data or values .Confused?? don't worry ,continue reading .
- For eg., int c = 5 + 3 ; here '+' sign is an operator | int d = 8 * 9; here '*' is an operator. I think now you got an idea .
- Don't think these are known by me so i an quit here ,because there are more than 20 operators which are may not known by you ,so continue reading here .
- Why should we learn operators in C++?
- To become expert in English we should know alphabets and grammar similarly we should know these operator which will play an important role in coding to become expert .
- If we need to play with coding we should learn operators in C++.
- Without wasting time let's start the concepts .
- Different types of operators in C++
- Arithmetic Operators { +, - , *, /, %, ++, -- }
- Assignment Operators { = , +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, &=,etc., }
- Relational Operators { <. >, <= , >= , ==, != }
- Bitwise Operators { & , | , ^, << ,>> ,~ }
- Logical Operators { && , || ,! }
- Guys these are the types of operators in c++ .In these you might know some of operators like + , - etc., .
- But guys don't take them easy they are very much important and some are more tricky which may lead you to wrong solutions
- Don't worry we will explain you all in details in next lectures meanwhile you remember these names and corresponding symbols .
*****Don't worry if you are confused you will know everything in further concepts ,please read previous lectures too,Don't give up if you are confused . Don't Panic ,be patient we will learn everything*****
***** If you have any doubts please ask in comment box*****
<= lecture 4******lecture 5=>