- Don't worry guys by the end of this lecture I'll guarantee that you will be knowing everything about assignment operators .
- Hey in lecture 6 we studied about the Arithmetic Operators in c++
- Now we will learn about the Assignment Operators .
- We seen some of the assignment operators in Types of Operators in C++ .
- They are { = , +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, &=,etc., }.
- Now I'll explain them in detail with examples . So, don't worry just relax and continue reading.
- Assignment Operators
- Assignment operators are used to assign or store or give value to a variable. Confused?? ,don't worry below you can understand with example .
- int with_dare = 25 + 2;
- In the above statement we know that
- int is a keyword which decides type of values stored by variable
- with_dare is a variable
- 25+2 is value ie., 27.
- Then what is = ?,Yes I think you got it ,it is an assignment operator which stores/gives/assigns value 27 to variable with_dare .
- Ok, this looks fine and easy what about remaining??
- { +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, &=,etc., } These looks somewhat weird right?? Don't worry again we will go with some good explanations and examples below, so continue your reading.
- Hey , there is nothing about the above variables they can be written as bellow;
- Eg.,1 int first = 5;
- now first += 8; it means first = first + 8 ;
- In the above line both green colored statement and blue colored statement are same but form of writing is different .
- So ,here we assigned 5 to a variable with name first .
- Next we added 8 to first and assigned the final value 13 to first .
- Hence final value of first is 13.
- Similarly we can guess the remaining -=, *=, /=, %=, &=,etc., Don't worry I'll elaborate some of them with examples below .
- Eg.,2 float second = 21.3 ;
- second -= 2.1 ; it means second = second - 2.1;
- finally second = 19.2
- Eg.,3 int anot = -2;
- anot *= -8; it means anot = anot * -8 ;
- finally anot = 16.
- I think you understood about Assignment Operators in C++ .
*****Don't worry if you are confused you will know everything in further concepts ,please read previous lectures too ,Don't give up if you are confused . Don't Panic ,be patient we will learn everything*****
- int is a keyword which decides type of values stored by variable
- with_dare is a variable
- 25+2 is value ie., 27.
- Then what is = ?,Yes I think you got it ,it is an assignment operator which stores/gives/assigns value 27 to variable with_dare .
- now first += 8; it means first = first + 8 ;
- In the above line both green colored statement and blue colored statement are same but form of writing is different .
- So ,here we assigned 5 to a variable with name first .
- Next we added 8 to first and assigned the final value 13 to first .
- Hence final value of first is 13.
- second -= 2.1 ; it means second = second - 2.1;
- finally second = 19.2
- anot *= -8; it means anot = anot * -8 ;
- finally anot = 16.
<=Lecture 6 *****Lecture 8=>